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What if Jude went to Alternia instead of Joey?
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Author Commentary
Author Commentary
I made this comic for the Hiveswap Comic Contest held by WhatPumpkin back in early 2018. It ended up being the 1st Runner-up on Week 4. For the effort I put into it and the art capability I had back then, I'm pretty satisfied how it ranked.

The comic was made around the same time as A Chance Meeting, which is quite apparent from the artstyle. I was still getting the hang of the Homestuck style. The characters here in this comic are a some mix of the regular Homestuck sprites, the Hiveswap artstyle, and the Hero mode characters from Homestuck.

You can especially notice the sort of squished heads that were inspired by spritemode characters. It looks slightly off, but still kind of okay as these characters are closer to the sprites anyway. In A Chance Meeting and earlier SoulSplit the oval heads are now straight up offputting as there are no outlines.

The latter half of this comic has some more circular heads, which already looks better. However something I struggle with then (and still do, honestly) is how their heads connect with their bodies, as I think in most Homestuck styles the characters aren't supposed to really have visible necks... Except when they do have? *throws hands in air*

The idea for this comic was actually something I had been thinking before the contest, inspired by some of Hiveswap's glitches. You could actually get Jude to Alternia and collect various items there are him. It was also a speedrun category known as Jude%. If you want to learn more about it, check out this video.

What I had been thinking was if this glitch would actually have narrative repercussions, and this comic is the result of those thoughts. I didn't incorporate the glitch literally, though. I thought most people probably wouldn't have known about it, and WhatPumpkin wouldn't likely have liked drawing attention to it either.

Imagine, though, if they had kept the glitch and somehow made it possible to carry it through all 4 Acts in order to get some stupid failure ending? (I'm kidding! It'd be negative cool, there's already enough game for the devs to handle. And besides it wouldn't be as funny as my comic anyway.)

If you were wondering what the prize was for the runner-up comic, it was a gift code ForFansByFans. Unfortunately the shipping costs sucked ass, so I traded it for some art.