Interview: Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson #2
We’re back with CON AIR 2: THE EPILOGUE, folks. To make up for the recent interrupted interview, we’ve invited Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson back. Welcome back, Ben and Owen.
STILLER: So glad to be back here. I’m so pumped.
WILSON: Thanks for having us, again.
I heard there has been some troubles in the post-production. While I imagine this is nothing to worry about and we’ll see the movie without any delays, we are worried about the cast. Does this affect either of you in any way?
STILLER: There’s no problems at all. Trust me. Everything is fine, and you’ll see the movie as promised.
WILSON: Well, that’s not entirely true.
STILLER: Owen, no. Don’t bring this up.
WILSON: Allegedly there’s been reported harassment from a cast member that wishes to remain anonymous. Nothing’s been confirmed yet, but the cast is taking this very seriously.
STILLER: Please don’t listen to him. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
What kind of harassment are we talking about?
WILSON: There’s quite a lot. Stalking, veiled threats, mysterious notes. What else?
STILLER: Nothing. Nothing else.
WILSON: The point is a cast member is feeling very unsafe, and that’s not what we stand for. Nobody deserves that, and the entire cast agrees that kind of behavior is unacceptable.
Sounds very serious. Is there any kind of police investigation going on?
STILLER: No police.
WILSON: Yes, there is an ongoing investigation. So far there are no solid suspects, but of course everyone is more concerned about the more unstable members of the crew. The production has taken a toll on some of us.
STILLER: Is this still a part of the interview?
Has this affected you two at all?
STILLER: Not at all. We’re fine. Things haven’t been better for us in a while.
WILSON: I don’t want to comment on that. I’d really prefer if you wouldn’t invite us for another interview. I know there’s a contract, but the situation is very delicate behind the scenes.
STILLER: I’d love another interview.
WILSON: We talked about this, Ben.
STILLER: And I didn’t agree. This is good for us. Think of the publicity. The intermission is our greatest creation.
We’re running out of time again, look at that. Thanks, Ben and Owen. Wasn’t there something you wanted to show us now at the end?
STILLER: Yes. Another great one from the SBaHJ factory. Take a good look at this one. You’ll love it!
Well, wasn’t that an intriguing interview. Big thanks for Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson once again. Here’s what they brought for us.
Thank you for reading. CON AIR 2: THE EPILOGUE in theaters 4th of April 2019, 24h streams on the 13th.