Report: CON AIR 2 Stolen
We know you fans have been anticipating the Homestuck feature film CON AIR 2: THE EPILOGUE quite eagerly. However, we have some pretty saddening news for you all.
Following the previous interview with Lord Buscemi, the only existing copy of CON AIR 2 was taken “hostage” by him. You may question how this was possible. The truth is that the entire film was on a single, easily stealable reel. The digital copies that were to be sent all over the world weren’t made yet.
Yes, keeping an entire film on a single reel is still a thing these days. Also an entire film fitting on a single reel is entirely realistic. Don’t question this. The production team was very professional.
The only thing that matters right now is that the entire film is in the possession of Lord Buscemi, who is ready to do anything to get himself an Oscar.
Thanks for reading. Unless we can get the reel back, CON AIR 2: THE EPILOGUE won’t be in theaters 4th of April 2019, and 24h streams won’t take place on the 13th.
Who will ever save us from this plight?