Interview: Steve Buscemi #3
Welcome back to the interviews, folks. Today we again have one of the main stars of CON AIR 2: THE EPILOGUE, Steve Buscemi. So great you wanted to come here again, even after yesterday’s tragedy.
Thank you. You have always been such a. TRUSTED ASSOCIATE. I always feel myself so welcome here.
I do my best. Have you heard of Oscar Isaac’s recent passing? What are your thoughts on this recent tragedy?
I don’t care. About that. All I’m here for is to make an announcement.
Oh, what’s that?
It has recently come to my attention. That certain abhorrent individuals. DO NOT APPRECIATE MY CRAFT. My masterpieces, created with unparalleled mastery of skills. ARE FURIOUSLY BEING SHAT ON BY IDIOTS WHO HAVE NO EYE FOR ART.
I have come to speak my mind. AND DECLARE. I do not appreciate this kind of foolery. Next time someone steps between me and my prestigious accolades. Which I am to obtain. I WILL SPARE NO MERCY PUTTING AN END TO THEIR ARROGANT FUCKERY.
Uh, has your hunt for these accolades progressed?
I have had some unfortunate set backs. BUT. I will not be hindered any longer on my quest. TO OBTAIN THE GREATEST PRIZE. The so called. ACADEMY AWARD.
If you ask me. They are an academy of utter morons. AS THEY HAVE NOT REWARDED ME. With one of their little men. Why is that?
Um, I think our time for this interview is running out. Do you have anything to say to the audience?
HOW STRANGE. That I would run out of time. As so much of it rightfully belongs to me. All of it even. SCREENTIME ESPECIALLY.
IRREGARDLESS. I have nothing to say to all of you ungrateful asses. EXCEPT FOR ONE THING. I would like you to consider why don’t I have an Oscar. WHY DON’T I HAVE AN OSCAR.
Think about that. VERY CAREFULLY.
Alright. Thanks Steve for your thoughts. Thank you very much for reading. CON AIR 2: THE EPILOGUE in theaters 4th of April 2019, 24h streams on the 13th.