Interview: Andrew Hussie
Welcome back, dear readers. After yesterday’s disaster, we have someone very special here. Please welcome Andrew Hussie, the creator of Homestuck, and a writer and director of CON AIR 2: THE EPILOGUE. It’s so good to have you here, Andrew.
It’s my pleasure. As always.
What inspired the creation of CON AIR 2? Taking a step from a webcomic to a feature film is huge change, and decisions like that aren’t made in a day. How did the transition start?
It shouldn’t come off as a surprise that the decision to begin working on CON AIR 2 took a very long time, and it was a work of a vast network of skilled individuals. Our initial plans were very humble. They didn’t have anything to do with the Epilogue. If I recall correctly the Con Air-aspect came in after a year of development, too. The script was built over a long period of time, and almost every new member added new things into it. The idea pile didn’t stop getting taller, and soon enough we had a massive project on our hands.
It took years to formulate the script to its final form. You could say it’s creation was very Homestuck, as in, we continuously made shit up along the way. The script wasn’t finished when the filming started, and sure as hell it wasn’t finished when the filming finished. The script was almost like a living being, always being rewritten. Scenes we had already filmed took on new meanings. Parts of footage were used several times over. The movie was it’s own entity, and you’ll sure be able to see that in the theaters. It has a meta aspect, as everything in Homestuck does. At its core, CON AIR 2: THE EPILOGUE is a coming-of-age story enhanced by mystery and spectacle.
And speaking of mystery and spectacle, those were crucial to Homestuck’s narrative as well. The transition wasn’t as big of a deal in that regard. Homestuck has always been close to films, whether it has been having fun with them or making fun of them. Flash animations were a central factor in Homestuck’s path to the big screen, and ultimately transcending the boundaries of traditional media.
Alright, now that we have that out of the way, please explain. What’s the deal with Dark Cage? Why are actors going nuts left and right? It’s almost like Homestuck is becoming real. What the hell, Hussie?
It is bold of you to assume Homestuck becoming real hasn’t been my intention all along. Or perhaps it’s always been real?
Please elaborate.
At least give us some light on Vriska Serket’s casting situation.
Vriska is Big Chungus. That’s all I have to say. I will not longer comment on this subject.
Fucking hell. What am I supposed to ask then?
If you’re having trouble, I could take turn asking the questions instead.
You can’t do that.
Of course I can. [snops]
Look! I’m the interviewer now.
What the fuck? You can’t just say that.
Why not? I have the bold text and all. I won’t call myself a professional but I’m pretty sure this is all you need.
Bold text? There’s no text. This is an oral interview, which we’ll transcribe later.
I just got it, though. That jackass Doc did the same earlier.
Oh, sorry. Dark Cage.
This is stupid.
It keeps happening.
Oh god.
So what’s the deal with this interviewing stuff? Am I just supposed to keep firing inquiries from this deudly firearm I call my mouth, which so happens to be framed by two luscious lips?
Just shut up already.
State name.
A total dumbass, apparently.
What’s your opinion on horses?
I don’t give a shit about your horses. You’re hijacking my goddamn interview and it’s degrading.
Your words are degrading to all things equine and I’m getting sort of worked up about that.
I give up.
It’d seem our interviewee is getting reluctant. I figure it’s time to reel it in and call the curtains. Do you have anything to say to the fans before we ride this pony back to the stables?
Fuck you.
Enormous thanks to our interviewee, who really has a way with their words. Thanks for reading. CON AIR 2: THE EPILOGUE in theaters 4th of April 2019, 24h streams on the 13th.