Interview: Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson #3
Welcome back with another interview from the stars of CON AIR 2: THE EPILOGUE. Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson are back again, to our surprise. Welcome back, boys.
WILSON: Thanks, thanks. We aren’t supposed to be here, though. I was serious when I said we aren’t coming again. Let’s just end this right here.
STILLER: No. The show must go on. It has to keep hapening. It is god damn necessary you don’t even have an idea.
WILSON: No. This is your fault. You dragged us here.
Why is this such a big deal?
WILSON: Listen. I shouldn’t be saying this, but the harassment incident has been taking all the focus among the crew. It’s taking focus from more important things.
STILLER: Far, far more essential pieces of this sicknasty puzzle. It’s getting hella rapturous in here. [taps own head]
WILSON: What I mean is the wellbeing of the cast. Ben’s been weird all week, and honestly, as you see, he’s just getting weirder.
STILLER: I’m like a runaway train! [laughter]
WILSON: Case in point. Coming here is not good for his psyche.
Ben, what are your thoughts on this?
WILSON: No! Fuck, don’t ask him.
STILLER: As you know, my thoughts are centralized only on the most fundamental issues of this enigmatic conundrum. I have managed to deduce the pivotal events in this jigsaw machination. Timelines collapsing, merging, twisting until their insides spill into the underworks of the Paradox Space. Yet I lie in anticipation, like a tiger stalking its prey, acknowledging I must let these moments pass to maintain the integrity of the alpha timeline. For I cannot intervene until the critical moment arrives. Only then I, the tiger, will leap from the shadows to grasp the prize of my patience. That will be moment it can be said that the tiger has truly “got it”.
What. What does this mean?
STILLER: It means we wait. The moment is approaching fast. The SBaHJ I gave you? Show it to them. It is crucial for understanding what is to come. Then wait. Wait for my return. For I shall come. Strongly. Bravely. Forcibly. Until next time. [flees]
WILSON: Oh shit here I go again. [runs after]
Okay. Thanks Ben and Owen. This is starting to become a pattern. Here’s the SBaHJ.
Thanks for reading. CON AIR 2: THE EPILOGUE in theaters 4th of April 2019, 24h streams on the 13th.